Top 500 Enterprises Rocket Program in Silicon Valley


“ The rocket soars up above the sky and oversees the world ”







 於2016年秋季,醞釀許多年,WJU終於開設國際留學生部。雖遇種種困難,但在各方的支持及努力下,WJU堅持創造多贏局面,讓國際留學生和美國本地學生一樣,畢業前必須通過實習這個重要要求。可是,在現實基礎上,國際留學生,在美根本不可能在校園以外實習,能夠有在學CPT (Curricular Practicum Training)  的機會或構思更是妙想天開。  

 WJU 堅持「想得出,做得到」,將不可能的情況變為事實。簡單而言,不止首先需要得到各機構特別簽訂的限額合約,還需要得到州政府的特別批文,兩者兼備、缺一不可。這個「簡單而言」絕不簡單。 

 正因如此,本校國際留學生在讀大學第三、四年班或大學畢業前,對應其主修之科目,必須完成CPT實習換取學分,才能夠升班和/或畢業。與此同時,也為留學生提前建立在矽谷工作的基礎。此外,「矽谷500強企業火箭計劃」不止是讓電腦科技(Computer Science) 及以 IT 為主修科目的學生受惠,還有學生就讀商業相關學科( Business related Majors) 也在計劃之內 。 
WJU 現在每年只能接受35名來自全世界的國際留學生入讀 「電腦科技」的主修科目 (Computer Science Major) 。 在這裡,不得不介紹Mr. John Crawford。他不單是著名 Intel Pentium chips 工程師和世紀電腦科技先驅者,也被邀請為本校電腦科技學系委員會成員。電腦科技發展日新月異,這個專業必須與時並進。本校該學科編寫的課程也需要每年更改,只為配合全球科技迅速發展和矽谷各機構直接聘用本校畢業生的安排。 

 一般而言,學生第一年來到WJU 校園,  除了需要適應美國生活,融入當地社交圈子外,一定要完成必須要的課程,更需要的是努力學習,獲取好成績。本校現任的老師全部擁有博士學位,也是業內的專業,甚至是電腦科技的研究人員。所以,就讀電腦科技主修的同學,成績優異者,進入二年班已經有機會被邀請參與矽谷未來科技的硏究,拓展未來科技的成就。 

 此外,去年約87%學生畢業前通過實習,成功入職全球500強企業。他們受聘於加州首都Sacramento 和Silicon Valley 矽谷的大機構,例如Apple、Google、Facebook、Intel、Oracle、VMware、Tesla、Bank of America、Hilton Worldwide、Kaiser Hospital、EA Games及Hewlett Packard等。 

 目前為止,提供最多機會予本校學 生實習與提供最多受聘機會予本校畢業生的前三位機構分別是: Google(11%)、Apple (10%) 和  NVIDIA ( 4%)。 

 自2019年開始,本校進一步得到更多大機構的認可,已與Walk Water Technologies正式合作,向成功通過培訓計劃的合格候選人提供  [Oracle Gold Certificate] ,培育人才。 WJU 定期安排學生畢業前直接進入企業培訓。成功完成培訓且表現理想的學生將可在CPT和 OPT (Optional Practical Training)  期間已經入職Oracle、SAP或其他企業。學生不只得到工作簽證贊助,更可享有其他公司員工的優惠,例如:合約花紅、房屋津貼和保險等。


Top 500 Enterprises in Silicon Valley Rocket Program

In 1939, before the advent of technology and Silicon Valley, WJU had already been established in the location which has become the core area of Silicon Valley today in California. At that time, who could have imagined that Silicon Valley would become the place for top global technology companies in the world? Since its founding more than 80 years ago, WJU’s graduates have been studying and developing their careers in this area. “The forefathers plant trees and the succeeding generations enjoy the crops.” From the alumni of earlier days, many have been business owners or corporate executives in California and in Silicon Valley today. This extraordinary alumni network was truly built over time. 

This is the birthplace of WJU, and WJU is also the cradle of many talents. After more than 80 years of hard work, today we have built our strengths through "time, place and people". By taking advantage of our strengths, we have created the “rocket tickets” for our graduates to directly enter major organizations in Silicon Valley. 

"The rocket soars up above the sky and oversees the world", This is the vision of our “Top 500 Enterprises in Silicon Valley Rocket Program".  

After many years of preparation, WJU finally opened its Department for International Students in the Fall of 2016. Despite various difficulties, with the joint support and efforts from all parties, WJU insisted on creating a win-win situation where international students could meet the important requirements of internship before graduation as local students in the United States. However, in reality, it was impossible for international students to practice outside the campus in the United States, and it was even nothing more than just a dream to let them have the concept or opportunity of CPT (Curricular Practicum Training) from school.
WJU insists on making dreams happen, making the impossible possible. Simply speaking, WJU not only needed to obtain the special quota contract signed by each organization, but also required the special approval document from the state government. Both were absolutely necessary. This “simple” arrangement was anything but that.

For this reason, international students of our university must complete CPT internship for credits of their major subject before they proceed to study in the third or fourth year of university or graduate from university. At the same time, it is also the foundation that overseas students should lay before they work in Silicon Valley. In addition, the Top 500 Enterprises in Silicon Valley not only benefit those students majoring in Computer Science and other IT-related subjects, but also includes those students who are in Business related Majors.

WJU annually only accepts 35 international students from all over the world for its Computer Science Major. Here, we have to introduce Mr. John Crawford, the famous Intel Pentium chips engineer and computer science pioneer, who is also invited as WJU’s computer science advisory board member. Since computer science and technology develop rapidly, this major must keep pace with the times. The syllabus written for this subject in our school also needs to be changed every year, just to comply with the rapid development of global science and technology and the arrangement of different Silicon Valley organizations for direct engagement of our graduates.

Generally speaking, when students come to WJU for the first year, they not only need to adapt to American life and get involved in the local social circle, but also need to complete necessary courses. More importantly, they need to study hard and achieve good academic results. Currently, all teachers in our school have doctoral degrees, and are also professionals in the industry and even researchers in computer science. Therefore, after entering the second year of study, students of computer science major with excellent academic results will have the opportunity to be invited to participate in the research of Silicon Valley's future science and technology and expand their future achievements in science and technology.

In addition, about 87 % of the students were employed by the Fortune 500 companies successfully through internship before graduation last year. Several are employed by major companies in Sacramento and Silicon Valley, such as Apple, Google, Facebook, Intel, Oracle, VMware, Tesla, Bank of America, Hilton Worldwide, Kaiser Hospital, EA Games and Hewlett Packard. By far, the top three companies offering the most internship opportunities and employment opportunities to our students are Google (11%), Apple (10%) and NVIDIA (4%).

Since 2019, WJU has been further recognized by more large companies and organizations. WJU has officially partnered with Walk Water Technologies to offer Oracle Gold Certificate training courses to qualified candidates who successfully pass the training program. WJU regularly arranges students to enter Oracle and other companies who utilize the Oracle ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) to get training directly before graduation. Students who successfully complete the training and perform well will be eligible to be employed by Oracle, SAP, or other organizations during CPT and OPT (Optional Practical Training). Not only can qualified students receive a work authorization visa, but many also enjoy generous benefits such as contract bonuses, housing allowances, promotions and insurance. 

Over the past decades, we believe that our school is a nurturing hub for talents for top organizations in Silicon Valley in the United States. We welcome global talents to join us for win-win cooperation. Would you be one of them?





The International Department (Asia) is opened for inquiry from Monday to Friday.
Morning section: 10am - 12nn
Afternoon section: 2pm - 5pm

Please feel free to contact us for more information.