通過科學, 社會科學和人民科學的全人發展和培育學生
"We are committed to helping students Thrive Spiritually, receive a Quality Liberal Arts Education, and be Exceptionally Employable"
Developing the Whole Person through Science, Social Science, and the Humanities.
William Jessup University: where wisdom, knowledge and thought weave together the foundational threads of your purposeful contribution to God's creation.
威廉傑塞普大學 (William Jessup University,以下簡稱:WJU) ——飛躍全球的私立綜合型大學,全美最具價值大學之一,廣受全球頂尖科技巨擎推崇。依托多年雄厚的學術技能及文化培養實力,WJU開設的課程,向全球的優秀學生發出邀請,一同追逐非凡未來。
威廉傑塞普大學約有1500名學生、他們都能夠獲得全球認證的教育。在美國北加州的教育系統、美國文化生活和體育連在一起。本大學提供多樣的機會、校園最先進的設備和國家認可的博士級教師。國際留學生和當地學生文化交流和體驗、豐富整個校園和社區。作為威廉傑塞普大學的學生, 現有50多個本科學位和研究生學位課程、可以選擇適合自己的主修科目和當地教育模式。
William Jessup University comprises more than 1,500 students who are seeking an education that is accredited and will be recognized all over the globe. William Jessup University is one of Northern California’s centers for education, cultural events and athletics. The university offers unrivaled access to new state-of-the-art facilities, nationally recognized faculty, and a vibrant and diverse community.
International students offer a cultural perspective that enriches the entire WJU campus community. As a student at the William Jessup University, you can choose from more than 50 undergraduate degree and graduate degree programs.
The campus provides incredible opportunities with top-quality advising to help you plan your academic courses, as well as excellent career mentoring, extra-curricular opportunities, several student-led organizations and 20 intercollegiate and intramural athletic programs.
The university is located in both Rocklin, a flourishing suburb 25 miles northeast of Sacramento, and in the thriving Silicon Valley of the San Francisco Bay Area. Both areas are continually ranked as one of the best places to live and work in the United States.
International Students
Out of State Residents
California Residents
Majors and Programs
就業 – 實習,包括全球500強企業
Employed & Internships including Fortune 500 Companies
Rocklin Campus: 2121 University Avenue, Rocklin, CA 95765
San Jose Campus: 3031 Tisch Way, Plaza East, Suite 200, San Jose, CA 95128